Loan repayment remains the biggest headache for nearly all loan businesses. While digitized systems have made the loan application process very efficient, there are major shortcomings when it comes to tracking repayment.
The #Africaner_loan management system by #ufanisiafrica comprehensively serves a loan business by;
✅️Capturing client’s data during loan application
✅️Showing due date for the loan taken
✅️Generating all loan instalments to be paid whether daily, weekly or monthly
✅️Displaying any debt arrears on a client’s profile
✅️Automatically updates itself when a client services their loan
✅️Generating real time loan reports for the company
Depending on a business’ needs, Africaner loan management system may be integrated with mobile systems to send out bulk SMS to clients reminding them of their due repayments. On the other hand, integration with banking systems enables clients make payments from multiple platforms remotely.
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Africaner Loan Management System is the ultimate management tool for your loan business.