With massive growth of retail pharmacies worldwide, the number of staff members employed in the stores has also soared. There is now an average of three attendants in a pharmacy, with some having more than six staff members depending on traffic of clients.
To streamline activities in the premises, it is critical for the owner to seek an automated Pharmacy Management System usable by all employees. At #ufanisiafrica, the #PharmacyManagementSystem is developed to ease staff registration, stock keeping, client payment records, supplier information and much more.
A team of experts takes the employees and pharmacy owner through the installation process of the digital system. Furthermore, employees are comprehensively trained on usage of the system. In case of queries or faults with the system, #ufanisiafrica always has an officer on standby to resolve the matter either virtually or physically.
An automated system within retail pharmacies has been important to keep tabs of stock inflow and outflow. This is made possible through the sales management system which allows tracking of drugs being restocked fastest and those lagging behind. Management of products through a well updated batch system extended with expiry dates option has also been implemented to evade any possible loss of items.
Clients are no longer worried about high prices of medication as they can purchase drugs on cash and credit modes. The Pharmacy Management System embodies an insurance management module which registers and processes payment by specific insurance companies.
For more info, reach out today through sales@ufanisiafrica.com or ufanisiafrica@gmail.com.
Africaner Pharmacy Management System is your ultimate management tool for your pharmacy business.